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New Feature
Hey Everybody, just writing to mention the new feature we've added to the blog. To the right you can see a box that is full of recent stories. If you ever check up on the blog, and there are no new posts, you can look over here and be filled in on what is happening in the world.
Thats all.
This film focuses on the financial problem America is facing today, it is full of interesting graphs representing the problem the Bush administration has pulled us into. Watch the trailer, rent the movie, and tell your friends and family about this major problem that the G.O.P. has caused.
Many people think while they are still eating meat, that they could never survive without a burger or a nice big steak every once in a while. Even I thought this before I began to live as a vegetarian, however once you start it is so easy. The substitutes for meat (tofu, boca burgers, hemp seed, etc.) may not be entirely appetizing, but the health benefits are just amazing. A 3.5 oz sirloin steak can have on average .85 oz of protein, in other words, it is about 24% percent protein, however just one hemp seed is comprised of 34.6% protein. A 10 percent difference, and still most of America, and possibly the rest of the world believes that it is impossible to get the right amount of protein without meat.
Other than the health benefits, the the large-scale slaughter houses that are being set up around the world to fill the growing demand for meat; have a devastating effect on the environment, and the humans on our planet. First of all cows, that we are over breeding, release an unhealthy amount of methane through their flatulence, adding significantly to the problem of global warming that we are now facing. Second of all, we feed in amazing amount of our wheat, corn, and other forms of produce, to our farm animals. If we took half of that food and gave it to the humans that actually need it the idea of world hunger, would be gone. Thirdly, because of the growing demand for meat, the standards for meat have been lowered, and now we are eating meat from animals that is just all around unhealthy for us.
In conclusion, many people think that if just one person stops eating meat, it doesn't make a difference. This is could not be further from the truth, if you become a vegetarian, and then you tell five people about the problems with meat, and they become vegetarians, and each of them them tell five people, and so on... Soon we could really start to stop the problem that is the meat production industry in our country.
Please comment and add your feelings on this subject.
Fight the Smears
John McCain has created advertisements attacking Barack Obama with false claims. Click here to learn more.
Also, the new book "The Obama Nation" by Jerome Corsi is a Swift-Boat book targeting Obama with blatant lies and unashamed smears. Click here to learn the truth.
This next page, Fight the Smears, is dedicated to preserving the truth in the face of the anti-Obama smears circulating around. Click here.
A disturbing thought
In August of 2000, John Mcain was diagnosed with Melanoma. FOR THE SECOND TIME! With his long list of health problems and ripe old age of seventy(seven-O) there is an enormous chance that Mcain will die during his presidency, leaving everyone's favorite "rifle-shooting, sports-announcing, beauty pageant queen Vice Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin" as our 45th president.
So a word of warning to all you GOP supporters who have your doubts about Mcain's choice for his running made, DON'T VOTE FOR HIM. Because if elected the most likely outcome will be our first and worst woman president.
It's here
Tuesday night, Google introduced its web browser, the Chrome for Windows operating system. Critics say Google's goal with this new product is to put out a better, faster, more secure alternative to Microsoft's Internet Explorer.
The most noticable feature is the single box at the top of the page used for "all your browsing needs". The browser displays websites you have visited in the past, popular web pages and search terms, and allows you to search many popular websites as you type. If the whole browser freezes or crashes, it doesn't affect your computer at all, and if a single tab freezes the rest of the browser runs fine. This is nice when you are using an older or slower machine. Google's open source format allows anyone to make changes to the the browsers java-script. It is also specifically geared toward running web applications made by Google and other software companies. The program is currently only available for Windows, but a Mac version of the software will be available shortly.
I've been using the browser ever since its introduction and so far it has left a good impression. People who love to Google things instead of just entering the URL will be very happy that they do not have to actually have to go to the Google page to search something. The browser is a tad faster than Firefox and Safari, and considerably faster than Internet Explorer.
As for wiping out Internet Explorer, I think that the majority of Firefox users will make the switch, but Internet Explorer users may need some coaxing. These types of computer users usually like to stick to what they know and are very scared of third party and open source programs.
I would definitely recomend Chrome as an alternative to any browser, especially Internet Explorer. Take my word for it. You'll love it.
Russell Brand: Who Knew?
Russell Brand, a man who was not far from completely unknown until last night, is now one of Americas biggest superstars. Russell has a record as large as his hair, he is a self-described sex addict, a former heroin addict, an alcoholic, and has bipolar disorder. Last night he left his mark while hosting the Video Music Awards (VMAs) on MTV. One of the things he is getting the most heat for is that he started the night off by begging the audience to vote for Barack Obama, and called George W. Bush a "retarded cowboy" obviously missing he fact that the term retard is politically incorrect in this country. Many people since his performance have been whining about how he came over from England and told us who to vote for, and made fun of our president, a privilege obviously reserved for Americans. During the Awards he also made numerous comments about the pop group, the Jonas Brothers, mentioning the rumoured relation between Joe Jonas and Taylor Swift, and mocked the fact that each of the Brothers wear Purity or Chastity rings. The comment about the rings angered many people including Jordin Sparks and Perez Hilton.
I will not argue with the fact that his remarks were in bad taste, but really what do you people expect, its MTV.
Republicans must be thrilled with Palin's speech
The Republicans' favorite rifle-shooting, sports-announcing, beauty pageant queen Vice Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin, delivered a rousing speech last night at the Republican National Convention. At many times was the mostly white crowd there on their feet applauding as Palin talked about:
1. Her kids: Track and Trig, Willow and Piper, and of course, the very young, very pregnant Bristol Palin. Finding out you are pregnant never came at a worse time.
2. John McCain's many, many, many, many heroic acheivements: By all means, McCain's experience in Vietnam was heroic, and I'm not at all trying to take that away from him. That took extroadinary courage and self-sacrifice. But does that, and that alone, qualify a man to be president? Palin said many times that this is the kind of man we want running our nation. Brave and heroic, yes. But a president needs more than just courage.
3. Obama's many, many, many, many shortcomings: Just as the end of the war in Iraq is in sight, should we pull out? In this case, yes, seeing how the end of the war is not in sight and has rarely been farther away. Palin's seemingly uninformed comment made the Republican delegates cheer and Democrats cringe. Has this lady been watching the news? Also, never once in her speech did she name Obama. It was always "the opposition" or something along those lines, bunching the Democrats into a single Big Bad.
Overall, Palin's speech brought nothing new to the table. The bottom line? "Vote for McCain, because he is a war hero and the oppostion will raise taxes." The speech reinforced true Republicans' beliefs. The crowd liked her, and that's all that matters.
The Egyptian government is guilty of violating one of the most basic human rights, the right to safety.
In Sudan, for our readers that don't know, there is currently a genocide in progress against the southern tribes of the country. Members of these tribes are trying to escape the country in order to protect their lives.
The members of these tribes, instead of sitting around in the camps for the displaced, which are attacked on a regular basis, and are crowded, and poorly guarded. Are running north hoping to reach Israel, but before they get to Israel they must go through Egypt. So they cross the Egyptian border, and they are immediately either arrested, returned to the Sudanese Government for torture, or just murdered for illegally entering the country.
Please tell me, can you really kill a man for entering a country illegally if he is running away from certain death?
If you can answer this question with any thing other than a no, please leave a comment to enlighten me.
Gustav - A Lucky Break for the GOP
Luckily for the GOP Hurricane Gustav has forced President Gorge W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney to skip the RNC. They will be working with FEMA to help the people stranded in New Orleans, instead of embarrassing themselves at the RNC. GOP party officials have been worrying about how the President would effect the convention ever since his approval rating dropped to all time lows in March when his approval rating was estimated by CNN to be 31%.
Hurricane Gustav puts Republican National Convention on Hold
The Republican National Convention was suspended for a day to raise further awareness for Hurricane Gustav. Senator John McCain and his advisors decided that national attention should be focused on the incoming hurricane, rather than the RNC. Only the most important events will still be on tonight. The rest of the RNC is day-to-day, and how much of the convention will continue will be decided as the week progresses. Hurricane Gustav, meanwhile, is heading fast towards deserted New Orleans, which hopes for better luck than it had with Hurricane Katrina three years ago. The damage will hopefully be limited because most of the occupants of the city have evacuated. More than 1.9 million people have left already, the largest evacuation in state history. So tonight, instead of watching the RNC, America will turn its eyes towards New Orleans and Hurricane Gustav.
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